How To Repair Leaking Shower Without Removing Tiles?

 To fix the leaking shower without removing the tiles, you need to remove the old grout and clean between the tiles. The surface of the tiles should be cleaned and sealed with silicone and also apply coats of waterproofing. The leaking of the shower can cause stained ceilings, dampness and mould which may pose a threat to your health. Here we will discuss the steps to seal the leaking showers. 

Remove the old grout 

The major step of repairing the shower leak without removing any tiles will lead to taking the old grout and mouldy sealants. Try to remove all the grout for shower renovations in Glen Iris professionally. Use the grout removal kit to remove any kind of stubborn grout pieces. 


The next step to fix the leaking shower repairs in Burwood involves applying the new grout. You must take a break between removing the old grout and applying a new grout. The time is given to dry and kill off any kind of mould. After the grout has hardened, pass a grout sharper across it. 

Seal the shower with grout sealer

The seal of leaking showers will be done by using a grout sealer and masking tape. The tap applied for shower renovations in Glen Iris must lie around where the sealer should settle in. The repair of your leakage shower is done without removing the tiles and is achieved by applying waterproofing.

Leak detection test

This test can be done through an electric moisture metre which will be used to determine the level of concealed water behind tiles. The use of thermal imaging cameras can detect ongoing issues and provide a full diagnosis report. 


You will get a brief idea regarding how to fix a leaking shower without removing the tiles. Hire professionals to repair the shower leak and remove the old grout. You should not also forget to clean the surface and seal it with silicone.


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